Attending the BAU Branding Innovation Meeting in Istanbul 2015
Erol User held his speech “Shakespeare in Business” as the panelist at the BAU Branding Innovation Meeting in Istanbul 2015

Attending DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey General Assembly in Istanbul 2015
Erol User attended DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey General Assembly in Istanbul 2015

With H.E.Ambassador to Greece Kerim Uras at DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey VII. Ambassadors Meeting of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs Meeting in Ankara 2015
Erol User shared valuable moments with H.E. Ambassador to Greece Kerim Uras at DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey VII. Ambassadors Meeting of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs Meeting in Ankara 2015

Attending DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey VII. Ambassadors Meeting of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs Meeting in Ankara 2015.
Erol User attended DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey VII. Ambassadors Meeting of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs Meeting in Ankara 2015

Launch and Signing of the new book “My World” of Erol User at the 2015 Bosphorus Cooperation Summit in Istanbul 2015.
Erol User’s new book “My World” is launched and signed at the 2015 Bosphorus Cooperation Summit in Istanbul 2015.

With the German CDU Parliamentarian Volkmar Klein at the 2015 Bosphorus Cooperation Summit in Istanbul 2015
Erol User spent valuable friendly moments with the German CDU Parliamentarian Volkmar Klein at the 2015 Bosphorus Cooperation Summit in Istanbul 2015.

Erol User gave an interview to the NTV PARA Channel in Istanbul 2015
Erol User gave an interview to the NTV PARA Channel on the FUTURE of Region and The Role of Turkey in Istanbul 2015

With H.E. Faisal Al Turki at Bosphorus Cooperation Summit in Istanbul 2015
Erol User shared valuable moments with H.E. Faisal Al Turki at Bosphorus Cooperation Summit in Istanbul 2015

With H.E.Dervis Eroglu the 3 rd President of the Republic of Northern Cyprus at Bosphorus Cooperation Summit in Istanbul 2015
Erol User shared valuable moments with H.E. Dr. Dervis Eroglu 3rd President of the Republic of Northern Cyprus at Bosphorus Cooperation Summit in Istanbul 2015

Erol User as V.I.P. guest participated in Bosphorus Regional Cooperation Summit in Istanbul 2015.
Erol User attended as V.I.P. guest participated in Bosphorus Regional Cooperation Summit in Istanbul 2015.

Visited UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector Development in Istanbul 2015
Erol User visited and held discussions at UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector Development in Istanbul 2015

Attending the TEDx Conferences in Istanbul 2015
Erol User attended the TEDx Conferences in Istanbul 2015.

Attending DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey Meeting with the President of the Rebuplic of Turkey Mr R.Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara 2015
Erol User attended DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey Meeting with the President of the Republic of Turkey Mr R.Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara 2015

With Mr Ahmet Gumustekin the world famous contemporary artist at the ContemporaryArt of Istanbul in Istanbul 2015
Erol User congratulated Mr Ahmet Gumustekin the world famous contemporary artist during the ContemporaryArt of Istanbul in Istanbul 2015

Attending DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey/JETRO Turkish Japanese Business Forum in Istanbul 2015
Erol User attended DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey/JETRO Turkish Japanese Business Forum in Istanbul 2015

Attending DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey General Assembly in Istanbul 2015
Erol User attended DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey General Assembly in Istanbul 2015

Attending DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey Bask Spain Meeting in Istanbul 2015
Erol User attended DEIK the Foreign Economic Council of Turkey Bask Spain Meeting in Istanbul 2015

Attending the 13th Industry Congress in Istanbul 2015
Erol User attended the 13th Industry Congress in Istanbul 2015

Erol User attended the Meeting of the SPD Fraction in Reichstag in Berlin 2015.
Erol User attended the Meeting of the SPD Fraction as the first Turkish Citizen non member of the Reichstag in Berlin 2015.

With the President of the Republic of Albania Excellency Bujar Nishani at the 2015 Berlin Gathering in Reichstag in Berlin 2015.
Erol User is very proud to hear compliments on the Turkish Businessmen Success in Albania by the President of the Republic of Albania Excellency Bujar Nishani at the 2015 Berlin Gathering in the Reichstag in Berlin 2015.

With the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda Rt.Hon. Jacob Oulanyah at the 2015 Berlin Gathering in Reichstag in Berlin 2015.
Erol User discussed the cooperation possibilities between Turkey and Uganda with the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda Rt.Hon. Jacob Oulanyah at the 2015 Berlin Gathering in Reichstag in Berlin 2015.

With the German CDU Parliamentarian Volkmar Klein at the 2015 Berlin Gathering in Reichstag in Berlin 2015
Erol User spent valuable friendly moments with the German CDU Parliamentarian Volkmar Klein at the 2015 Berlin Gathering in Reichstag in Berlin 2015.

Attending the Sustainability in Finance Conference at Bosphorus University in Istanbul 2015
Erol User attended the Sustainability in Finance Conference at Bosphorus University in Istanbul 2015.

Attending the 21st Annual BBSPA Conference in Vienna 2015
Erol User held his speech “Turkey: Energy Corridor” as the panelist at the 21st Annual BBSPA Conference Forum in Vienna 2015.

Attending the G20-WAIPA Conference on Foreign Direct Investment in Istanbul 2015
Erol User attended the G20-WAIPA Conference on Foreign Direct Investmens in Istanbul 2015.

Supporting UN Program for Women HE for SHE
Erol User supported the UN Program for Women He for SHE.

With the Greek Minister of Reconstruction of Production, Enviroment & Energy Mr. Panagiotis Lafazanis at the Athens Energy Forum 2015 in Athens 2015.
Erol User discussed very important matters with the Greek Minister of Reconstruction of Production, Environment & Energy Mr. Panagiotis Lafazanis at the Athens Energy Forum 2015 in Athens 2015.

Attending the Athens Energy Forum in Athens 2015
Erol User attended as the speaker the Athens Energy Forum in Athens 2015

Appointed to the Scientific Board of AQUAE Venice EXPO 2015
Erol User is appointed to the Scientific Board of AQUAE Venice EXPO 2015.

Participating the Board Meeting of AQUAE Venice EXPO 2015 in Confindustria Mestre 2015
Erol User participated in the Board Meeting of AQUAE Venice EXPO 2015 in Confindustria Mestre 2015..

With the Belgian legend soccer playes Enzo Scifo at the meeting in Rome 2015
Erol User shared valuable moments with the Belgian legend national soccer player Enzo Scifo in Rome 2015

Attending 63st National Prayers Breakfast in Washington D.C. 2015
Erol User shared valuable moments with the other participants in 63st National Prayers Breakfast in Washington D.C. 2015

With the 44th President of the United States of America Barack Obama in Washington D.C. 2015
Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America, and the first lady Michelle shared a moment with Erol User at the National Prayers Breakfast 2014 in Washington D.C. on Thursday February 5th with other invitees from 170 countries.

With the Senator of Pakistan Dr Akbar Khawaja at the 63st National Prayers Breakfast in Washington D.C. 2015
Erol User shared valuable moments with Senator of Pakistan Dr Akbar Khawaja in 63st National Prayers Breakfast in Washington D.C. 2015.

With the Ambassador Richard McCormack at the 63st National Prayers Breakfast in Washington D.C. 2015
Erol User shared valuable moments with the Ambassador Richard McCormack Under Secretary of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs and U.S. Ambassador to the Organization of American States in 63st National Prayers Breakfast in Washington D.C. 2015.

With the Austrian Parliamentarian Prof Dr Josef Hoechtl, Ex Prime Minister of Slowenia Alojz Peterle and Austrian Parliamenterian Dr Andreas Karlsboeck at the 63st National Prayers Breakfast in Washington D.C. 2015
Erol User shared valuable moments with the Austrian Parliamentarian Prof Dr Josef Hoechtl, Ex Prime Minister of Slowenia Alojz Peterle and Austrian Parliamentarian Dr Andreas Karlsboeck in 63st National Prayers Breakfast in Washington D.C. 2015.