Attending the KIdsparliament Award Ceremony in Rejkyavik 2012
Erol User gave KP Human award to Freyja Haraldsdottir in Rejkyavik 2012

With the 44th President of the United States of America Barack Obama & Mrs Obama at Hanukkah Reception at the White House in Washington D.C. 2012
Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America,and the first lady Michelle shared moments with Erol User at the Hannukah Reception 2012 on Thursday December 13th with other invitees in Washington D.C. 2012.

Attending the Bosphorus Regional Cooperation Summit in Istanbul 2012
Erol User as V.I.P. guest participated in the Bosphorus Regional Cooperation Summit in Istanbul 2012.

Attending the 1st Annual 2012 Frankfurt Gas Forum in Frankfurt 2012
Erol User participated as the Keynote Speaker in the 1st Annual 2012 Frankfurt Gas Forum in Frankfurt 2012.

With Baron David de Rotschild, CEO of Rotschild et Cie at the Annual Meeting of the Aladdin Project in the French Parliament in Paris 2012
Erol User was invited to be the Board Member of the Enterpreneurs for Peace and Intercultural Rapprochement by Baron David de Rotschild at the Annual Meeting of the Aladdin Project in the French Parliament in Paris 2012

Attending the 2012 Southeast Europe Business Forum in Istanbul 2012
Erol User held his speech “Enabling Regional Profit Center through the Cooperation” as the panelist the 2012 Southeast Europe Business Forum in Istanbul 2012.

Attending the 2012 Italy &Turkey Building Together in Istanbul 2012
Erol User held his speech “Opportunities for both countries” as the panelist at 2012 Italy &Turkey Building Together in Istanbul 2012

With Mr Amr Moussa the Secretary General of Arab League at 2012 World Economic Forum ME, NA &EUROASIA in Istanbul 2012
Erol User shared valuable thoughts With Mr Amr Moussa the Secretary General of Arab League at 2012 World Economic Forum ME,NA &EUROASIA in Istanbul 2012

With Adrian Newy of Red Bull the most famous F1 designer at F1 Hungary Grand Prix in Budapest 2012

With his elder son Ali Sina User in the command center of F1 Marussia Team at F1 Hungary Grand Prix in Budapest 2012

With Felipe Massa Ferrari F1 racing team driver at F1 Hungary Grand Prix in Budapest 2012

With Fernando Alonso Ferrari F1 racing team driver at F1 Hungary Grand Prix in Budapest 2012

With Michael Schumacher Mercedes F1 racing team driver at F1 Hungary Grand Prix in Budapest 2012

With Carlos Slim Helú Mexican business magnate, investor and philanthropist at F1 Hungary Grand Prix in Budapest 2012
Erol User received the full mandate in the investments in Turkey from Mr. Carlos Slim Helú Mexican business magnate, investor and philanthropist who is currently ranked as the richest person in the world in 2012.

With the Atletico Madrid trainer, Diego Pablo Simeone at the Spain-France World Cup 2014 Preliminary Game in Madrid 2012

Posing with the European (2008-2012) & World(2010) Cups of the Spanish National Team at the SFF Museum in Madrid 2012.

Held a speech as the International Chair of Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Congressional Gold Medal Momentum Luncheon in Washington D.C. 2012.

With Leon Goldenberg, William Nussen, Peter Rebenwurzel, Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Erol User, Abe Biderman, Ezra Friedlander, Senator Carl Levinat the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Congressional Gold Medal Momentum Luncheon in Washington D.C. 2012.

With Ezra Friedlander, William Nussen, Leon Goldenberg, Peter Rebenwurzel, Abe Biderman, Benn Hoffman, Senator John Barrasso, Erol User, Patricia Tiffany – Flushing Bank, Jonathan Zalisky, Kathryn Soman – Health Plus at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Congressional Gold Medal Momentum Luncheon in Washington D.C. 2012.

With Hon. Jules Fleicsher, Steven Grauer, Abe Biderman, Ezra Friedlander, Gabriella Friedlander, Katrina Lantos-Swett, Annette Lantos, William Nussen, Tomicah Tillemann, Leon Goldenberg, David Moskovits, Erol User, Peter Rebenwurzel, Ben Hoffman at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Congressional Gold Medal Momentum Luncheon in Washington D.C. 2012.

With Michael Neiman, Abe Biderman, Senator Joseph Lieberman, Sindey Greenberger, Leon Goldenberg, Ben Hoffman, Senator Carl Levin, Erol User, Senator John Barrasso, Peter Rebenwurzel, William Nussen, Ezra Friedlander, David Moskovits at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Congressional Gold Medal Momentum Luncheon in Washington D.C. 2012.

With the Senator Joseph Lieberman of New York at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Congressional Gold Medal Momentum Luncheon in Washington D.C. 2012

With Ms Regina Spiegel Gutman Ausschwitz Survivor at the Holoucast Museum in Washington D.C. 2012.

In the White Room of the Eisenhower Office Buildings–White House.

Invited to the Arrival Ceremony honoring The Right Honourable David Cameron Prime Minister Of U.K. at White House Washington D.C. 2012.

With Ezra Friedlander and Efraim Lebovits at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. 2012.

With White House Director of Jewish Outreach Jarrod Bernstein at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. 2012.

With Senator John Thune at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. 2012.

With Congresswoman Nan Hayworth of New York at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. 2012.

With Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. 2012.

With House of Representatives Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. 2012.

With House of Representatives Majority Leader Eric Cantor at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. 2012.

With Senator Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. 2012.

With Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. 2012.

With Congressman Bob Turner of NewYork at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. 2012

With Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. 2012.

With Senator John Casey of Pennsylvania at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. 2012.

Posing on the steps of the US Capitol before the meetings at the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. 2012.