With Petar Skundric Energy and Infrastructure Advisor to the Prime Minister of Serbia at the 2011 South East European Oil&Gas Conference in Belgrad 2011
Erol User exchanged ideas with Petar Skundric Energy and Infrastructure Advisor to the Prime Minister of Serbia at the 2011 South East European Oil&Gas Conference in Belgrad 2011.

With Abdulaqim Ademi Minister of the Environment and Physical Planning,Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia at the 2011 South East European Oil&Gas Conference in Belgrad 2011
Erol User changed ideas with Abdulaqim Ademi Minister of the Environment and Physical Planning,Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia at the 2011 South East European Oil & Gas Conference in Belgrad 2011.

Attending the 2011 South East European Oil&Gas Conference in Belgrad 2011
Erol User held his speech “Oil&Gas Developments and the Role of SEE” as the panelist at the 2011 South East European Oil&Gas Conference in Belgrad 2011 .

Attending the Special Event at the American College in Greece DEREE in Athens 2011
Erol User held his speech “The role of IMF in Turkey during the crisis” as the keynote speaker at the American College Deree in Athens 2011.

With Sergey A. Tereshenko Founder Prime Minister of Kazakhstan and Miroslav Vukovic President of GWE in Istanbul 2011
Erol User talked with Sergey A. Tereshenko Founder Prime Minister of Kazakhstan and Miroslav Vukovic President of GWE on the business opportunities in Kazakhstan in Istanbul 2011

With Burhan Dogancay the most famous painter of Turkey at the Contemporary Istanbul Exhibition in Istanbul 2011
Erol User shared ideas with Burhan Dogancay the most famous painter of Turkey at the Contemporary Istanbul Exhibition in Istanbul 2011.

Capital TV video reportage

Launching the book ” ETHICAL ECONOMY ” in Greek language in Athens 2011
Erol User launched his book “ETHICAL ECONOMY” in Greek language published by Psichogios Publications in Athens 2011.

Attending the News at Channel 9 in Athens 2011
Erol User attended the News at Channel 9 in Athens 2011

Attending the GREECE The Emergence from the Crisis Conference in Athens 2011
Erol User held his speech “Hell as a challange ” as the panelist at the Greece The Emergence from the Crisis Conference organized by IHT&Kathimerini in Athens 2011

With Yannis Maniatis Minister of the Environment, Energy&Climate Change Republic of Greece and Mahmood Khaghani President of North Drilling Company Rebuplic of Iran at the 2011 Mediterranean Oil & Gas Conference in Athens 2011
Erol User changed ideas with Yannis Maniatis Minister of the Environment,Energy&Climate Change Republic of Greece and Mahmood Khaghani President of North Drilling Company Rebuplic of Iran at the 2011 Mediterranean Oil & Gas Conference in Athens 2011.

Attending the 2011 Mediterranean Oil&Gas Conference in Athens 2011
Erol User held his speech “Turkey: Not corridor; The door ” as the panelist at the 2011 Mediterenean Oil & Gas Conference in Athens 2011

With Andis Harasani MP of Albanian Parliament, Stan Holmes of NPB,Lincoln Davis Member of USA Congress,Damian Gjiknuri MP of Albanian Parliament, Fatmir Mediu Minister of Environment, Forests & Water Administration in Tirana Albania 2011
Erol User met Andis Harasani MP of Albanian Parliament, Stan Holmes of NPB, Lincoln Davis Member of USA Congress, Damian Gjiknuri MP of Albanian Parliament, Fatmir Mediu Minister of Environment, Forests & Water Administration in Tirana Albania 2011.

Attending the 4th United Nations Conference On The Least Developed Countries in Istanbul 2011
Erol User attended the 4th United Nations Conference On The Least Developed Countries in Istanbul 2011.

With the 44th President of the United States of America Barack Obama in Washington D.C. 2011
Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America,and the first lady Michelle shared moment with Erol User at the National Prayers Breakfast 2011 on Thursday February 3th with other invitees from 156 countries in Washington D.C. 2011.